Dedicated team will walk from Bures to Assington

Sophie, Lily and Heidi Winch with Sue Baxter at the launch of 2016's Girls Night Out event.jpg

Heidi Winch will be taking on a Girls Night Out challenge for the 10th time as she gets ready to pull on her pyjamas and bunny ears.

Heidi is hoping to be able to complete this year’s Girls Night Out alongside her usual team, made up of her mum, two daughters and two of her friends.

Heidi said: “When this first happened I think we all knew that Girls Night Out would not be able to go ahead in the usual way, we had already started to think about what we could do instead.

“We plan to walk from Bures to Assington and then back again, we're hoping that the pub in Assington will be open so we can get a cuppa and some cake to give us a boost.

“Girls Night Out is so important to us as a family. We do it in memory of my brother Mark who was cared for by the hospice.

“He died 11 years ago this October, the care and compassion he received were amazing and as a family, we will always do everything we can to help the hospice. It is so important that we keep raising the funds need to allow the hospice to support other families.”

The team’s route to Assington will take them off-road and through the countryside, on their route back will be along the road and they hope to create a bit of a stir and encourage some donations.

Heidi, who along with her mum and daughter, has a pair of the walk’s iconic bunny ears tattooed on her wrist, isn’t 100 per cent how long their route will be, but they are looking forward to pulling on their trainers.